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Gym Graphics V2 Ectomorph

Gym Graphics V2 Ectomorph

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£29.90 GBP

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Gym Graphics V2 Ectomorph

The ccGYM GRAPHICS V2 ECTOMORPH muscle diagram pack is ideal for creating exercise explainer videos for your audience. Easily navigate muscle-specific exercises with Muscles Selector. View detailed previews of each move, and easily switch between male and female bodies to see how they target different areas. Use Counters to track your workout time for each exercise.

What’s included?

Pack Breakdown

- 15 Front Body Graphics
- 15 Back Body Graphics
- 5 Title Combinations
- 20 Lower Thirds
- 5 Timers

Front Body Graphics

- Trapezius
- Deltoids
- Clavicular Pectoralis
- Sternal Pectoralis
- Sternoclavicular
- Pectoralis
- Triceps Brachii
- Biceps Brachii
- Brachioradialis
- Flexor Carpi
- External Oblique
- Abdominis Major
- Abdominis Minor
- Tensor Fasciae Latae
- Rectus Femoris
- Vastus Medialis
- Vastus Lateralis
- Adductor Longus
- Sartorius
- Extensor digitorum
- Longus
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus

Back Body Graphics

- Trapezius
- Rhombus Lower
- Trapezius
- Deltoids
- Teres Minor
- Infraspinatus
- Phomboid Major
- Teres major
- Long Head
- Latissimus Dorsi
- Lateral Head
- Medial Head
- Biceps Brachii
- Erector Spinae
- Brachioradialis
- External Obliques
- Flexor Carpi
- Extensor Carpi
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Maximus
- Illiotibial Band
- Semitendinosus
- Biceps Femoris
- Adductor Magnus
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus


- Timer Design 1
- Timer Design 2
- Timer Design 3
- Timer Design 4
- Timer Design 5

Lower Thirds

- Lower Design 1
- Lower Design 2
- Lower Design 3
- Lower Design 4
- Lower Design 5
- Lower Design 6
- Lower Design 7
- Lower Design 8
- Lower Design 9
- Lower Design 10
- Lower Design 11
- Lower Design 12
- Lower Design 13
- Lower Design 14
- Lower Design 15
- Lower Design 16
- Lower Design 17
- Lower Design 18
- Lower Design 19
- Lower Design 20

Technical specifications

Application supported

  • Final Cut Pro
  • Premiere Pro
  • Davinci Resolve

Aspect ratio

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • 1:1

File size

80 MB

Device type

  • Desktop
  • Mobile
  • Tablet

Font used

Migraine Machine.otf

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