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African American Female Exercise Illustrations - 40+ PNG Workout Clipart, Fitness Clipart, DFY Content for Workouts

African American Female Exercise Illustrations - 40+ PNG Workout Clipart, Fitness Clipart, DFY Content for Workouts

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£19.90 GBP

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African American Female Exercise Illustrations - 40+ PNG Workout Clipart, Fitness Clipart, DFY Content for Workouts

This bundle includes 40+ PNG exercise illustrations suitable for use in health and fitness eBooks, programs, and blog posts. Perfect for coaches looking to provide valuable resources to clients or add visual appeal to their websites, this workout clipart features 46 exercises using only dumbbells and resistance bands. 


Dimensions: 1024 x 1024

File Size: 10 MB

Application Supported: CapCut

Required Plugin: None required

Commercial License: Further Information

Dimensions: 1024 x 1024


✅90-90 Crunches

✅Bicep curls w dumbbells

✅Bicycle Crunches

✅Bent over rows with dumbbell


✅Bulgarian split squats w dumbbells

✅Chest press w dumbbells

✅Clamshell w resistance band

✅Curtsy lunge w resistance band

✅Fire Hydrant w resistance band

✅Frog Jumps

✅Glute Kickbacks w resistance band

✅Glute kicks

✅Goblet Squat w dumbbell

✅Good mornings

✅Hammer curls with dumbbells

✅Jumping Jacks

✅Lateral side walk w resistance band

✅Leg Raises

✅Mountain Climbers

✅Overhead press w dumbbells


✅Push up with resistance band

✅RDL w dumbbells

✅Resistance band side leg lift

✅Reverse Flys w dumbbells

✅Russian Twists

✅Scissor kicks

✅Seated hip abduction w resistance band

✅Seated row w resistance band

✅Side lunges

✅Side plank twist

✅Single leg deadlifts w dumbbells

✅Single leg glute bridges

✅Skater jumps

✅Squat jumping jacks

✅Squats w resistance band

✅Toe Touches

✅Tricep Extensions

✅Tricep Kickback

✅Upright Rows


✅Woodchopper w dumbbell

✅Y-Press w resistance band

✅Y-Press with dumbbells

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