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The Editor's Beginner Guide to DaVinci 18

If you're new to DaVinci 18 Resolve 18 and not sure where to begin, don't worry! Everyone has to start somewhere. That's why our quick start guide for beginners was created by Tom to help you get started.

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The Editor's Beginner Guide to Adobe Premiere Pro

If you're new to Adobe Premiere Pro and not sure where to begin, don't worry! Everyone has to start somewhere. That's why our quick start guide for beginners was created by Tom to help you get started.

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The Editor's Beginner Guide to Final Cut Pro

FCPX Beginner Guide If you are a beginner looking for tutorials in Final Cut Pro take a look at this free introductory lesson “Final Cut Pro X Beginner Guide." This basic tutorial gives you a full run-through of what you need to know in order to edit videos.Learn how to get set up and editing in Final Cut Pro. Import footage and start to edit on your timeline. Add effects and much more. 

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